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Locklift is a development environment aiming to help you with Everscale contracts development. With Locklift, you get:

  • Network management for working with any networks (main, test, local, ...)
  • Automated contract testing with Mocha
  • Handy wrapper around Everscale smart contract
  • Custom givers support
  • Keys management
  • External script runner that executes scripts within specified environment

Please follow this link to start working with Locklift.

This guide will help you figure out how to set up the Locklift environment.

Before all else, please ensure the following are installed:

  • Node JS – version 14 or later

Let’s start with create an empty directory for your first project:

mkdir myfirstconract && cd myfirstconract && npm init

Great! Now you can install Locklift. Use npm install --save-dev locklift

npm install --save-dev locklift

added 168 packages, and audited 169 packages in 13s

22 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

Run npx locklift –version to make sure that Locklift is successfully installed:

npx locklift --version


This completes the environment setup.

If you want to continue learning about Locklift and create your first smart contract, please visit the Deploy smart contract with Locklift page.