📄️ Basics
Introduction to understand the basic terminology and concepts
📄️ TVM
The TVM, is the virtual machine used to execute smart-contract
📄️ Ever OS
An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware...
📄️ Pseudo-code
The pseudo-code language we use to define the behavior
📄️ Fee calculation
Explanation of the formulas for fee calculation
📄️ Managing gas
The entire state of TVM consists of the five components
📄️ Executor
Transaction executor functional specification
📄️ Accounts
The information storage entity is an account
📄️ Message
Smart-contracts communicate between each other
📄️ ABI Specification
ABI specifies message bodies layout for client to contract and contract to contract interaction.
📄️ Security
External messages pose threats
🗃️ Consensus Algorithm
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