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In order to provide the best quality of our decentralized blockchain solutions and products, Everscale network designed this program aimed at improving the documentation. The program is designed to accommodate all potential contributors who are familiar with the blockchain technology.

The scope of the Program: quality and structure improvement of Everscale documentation. The contribution can be in the following forms: writing an article from scratch, improving an existing article, relevant comments or advice, correction of grammatical and spelling errors.

In case you are eager to contribute, please proceed via consulting the information below.

  1. Create an issue on GitHub, namely, a [Community Task]. The task description should be in the format “what to do?" (Update @pagename/Create new page @pagename) [Self implementation - in case you are going to complete the issue yourself] or [Ever team implementation - in case you just stated the issue and are waiting for the review from the Everscale documentation team]”. Community task example №1: "[Community Task] Add information to Fronted App page in Build section [Selfimplemetation]" Community task example №2: "[Community Task] Update Getting started page in Everdev folder in Build section [Everscale team implementation]";

  2. In the description, please indicate in detail what should be done and briefly explain the reasons why. Also, please indicate your nickname in Telegram;

  3. It is necessary to set all the parameters in the issue settings and in “Labels”. In addition to the corresponding tags, it is necessary to set the tag “Community task”, as well as to choose a milestone indicating the week during which you are planning to complete the task. In case, the task is set for Everscale documentation team, the milestone does not need to be set;

  4. After creating an issue, you need to join the following chat and write a message in accordance with the pinned message to notify the administrator about the created task;

  5. All issues that are assigned to the documentation development team are accumulated and reviewed at the end of each working week;

  6. When you complete the issue on your own it is necessary to make a pull request indicating as reviewers @ArtemFMX, @Babowski and @maximgree. Also, in the comments section of the pull request it is needed to indicate the link of the issue;

In case you do not want to use GitHub and make corrections on your own, it is necessary to fill in the following Google form.

In the form, please indicate your nickname, email address and the wallet address where you want your rewards to be deposited to. Also, please indicate the section and page which you want to correct with all necessary comments or provide the page that you want to add.

It is worth mentioning that in case you want to write an article from scratch, then it will be necessary to figure out how GitHub works and how to commit there. For these, please follow this link in order to get familiar with detailed instructions.

For any questions that may have arisen, please contact us via the following Telegram chat