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How to work with Devnet

Working with DevNet is similar to working with SE except you usually don't have any predeployed giver in DevNet.
So you need to fund your contracts manually or deploy your own giver, which you will be able to use the same way as in SE.
Deploying your own giver can be useful, if you need to deploy many contracts or need to frequently redeploy and test contracts after subsequent modification.

Deploying your own Giver

In order to deploy the Giver, do the following steps, like for an ordinary contract:

Generate Giver keys

$ everdev signer generate devnet_giver_keys
$ everdev s l
Signer Public Key
----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
test (Default) de101cde5c94540926fe862e965cf109b1b803989e7048657cf7c4caaa2a257d
devnet_giver_keys 5a343ccbd62c15e3df1076bc34957ad2717469d84e4d6b3ef26112db80ac8e1b

Compile Giver code

You can find compiled giver v2 contract with code here. You need to recompile code only if you want to change its code, so you can use compiled GiverV2.tvc file and move to the next step.

Attention! The code in repo is not compatible with the latest Solidity compilers, so if you would like to compile it yourself, you would need to migrate code to the latest Solidity version first.

After modifying code, compile it:

$ everdev sol compile GiverV2.sol

In a case of success, compiler will generate two files: compiled code (GiverV2.tvc) and ABI (GiverV2.abi.json). You need these files for the next steps.

Calculate Giver address

In order to deploy contract, you need to know its address:

$ everdev contract info -n dev -s devnet_giver_keys GiverV2.tvc
Network: dev (,,
Signer: devnet_giver_keys (public 5a343ccbd62c15e3df1076bc34957ad2717469d84e4d6b3ef26112db80ac8e1b)
Address: 0:93139197f2f58d674bee4ee71a42d8f1e7b6a3c3e041ded7a54d330bcc44f3b3 (calculated from TVC and signer public)
Code Hash: ccbfc821853aa641af3813ebd477e26818b51e4ca23e5f6d34509215aa7123d9 (from TVC file)
Account: Doesn't exist

In the next step, you need to sponsor your Giver's address, which you have obtained in the previous step, with funds in order to be able to deploy a contract. The easiest way to do it on DevNet is to use EverGiver[DevNet] Telegram bot. It can give you 111 rubies maximum per address. If you need more, or in the case of a different test network, you can contact the owner of a particular network (for DevNet it is EverX).

In EverGiver Telegram bot type (change Giver's address to the address obtained at previous step):

/give 111 0:93139197f2f58d674bee4ee71a42d8f1e7b6a3c3e041ded7a54d330bcc44f3b3

Wait for operation completion. Check address balance in Blockchain Explorer.

Deploy Giver contract

For contract deployment you need to have compiled contract files (GiverV2.tvc and GiverV2.abi.json) and giver keys. To deploy contract execute next command:

$ everdev contract deploy -n dev -s devnet_giver_keys GiverV2.tvc
Network: dev (,,
Signer: devnet_giver_keys (public 5a343ccbd62c15e3df1076bc34957ad2717469d84e4d6b3ef26112db80ac8e1b)
Address: 0:93139197f2f58d674bee4ee71a42d8f1e7b6a3c3e041ded7a54d330bcc44f3b3 (calculated from TVC and signer public)
Contract has deployed at address: 0:93139197f2f58d674bee4ee71a42d8f1e7b6a3c3e041ded7a54d330bcc44f3b3

Done, now you have your own Giver, deployed to the DevNet! Let's configure everdev to use your Giver by default.

Configure everdev to use your Giver

For convenience, you might need to configure everdev in order to use your Giver as default. To do it, execute the next command (change address to your Giver's address, obtained in previous steps):

$ everdev network giver dev 0:93139197f2f58d674bee4ee71a42d8f1e7b6a3c3e041ded7a54d330bcc44f3b3 --signer devnet_giver_keys


$ everdev n l
Network Endpoints Giver
------------ ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
se (Default) http://localhost 0:b5e9240fc2d2f1ff8cbb1d1dee7fb7cae155e5f6320e585fcc685698994a19a5
dev,, 0:93139197f2f58d674bee4ee71a42d8f1e7b6a3c3e041ded7a54d330bcc44f3b3
GiverV2 signed by devnet_giver_keys
main,, ...

If Giver is set, you will see you Giver's address and keypair name for the dev network.

Testing your new Giver

For testing your new Giver, try to top up any address, for example, one of the contract's addresses, which you need to deploy:

$ everdev contract topup --network dev --address <address> --value 10000
Network: dev (,,
Signer: test (public de101cde5c94540926fe862e965cf109b1b803989e7048657cf7c4caaa2a257d)
Address: <address>
0.00001 tokens (10000 nano) were sent to address <address>