📄️ Intro
In this series of examples we will figure out basic steps you need to follow to build a UI around any smart contract and perform various routines common for both frontend and backend parts of any application. We expect a reader to have basic experience with JS.
🗃️ EVER SDK Guides
3 items
📄️ Connect Wallet
This is the most basic routine when you start working with any blockchain.
📄️ Advanced usage of Surf Keeper
After you connected a page to the extension you can interact with your Everscale account.
📄️ Add EVER to your backend
Integrate EVER ito your backend
📄️ TIP3 Integration Guide
Integrate EVER ito your backend
📄️ Read data from blockchain
There are several types of things you can read from a blockchain. These are various queries to blockchain RPC node, contract get-methods and contract events.
📄️ Write data to blockchain
To put something in the Everscale blockchain, you need to send an external message to some account. Depending on a use-case and smart-contract logic, you may also want the account (usually it will be a users' Wallet smart-contract) to act as a proxy and forward your message to other contract. In this article, we describe both cases